Técnicas de IA para Biologia
8 - OWL Language and Semantic Web
André Lamúrias
OWL Language and Semantic Web
Recap - Semantic Web
OWL Language and Semantic Web
RDF - Resource Description Framework
RDF - Resource Description Framework
Basic Idea
- Represent information about resources in the World Wide Web
- Statements using triples containing a subject, a predicate and an object
- subject - who/what the statement is about
- predicate - property/characteristic of the subject in the statement
- object - associated value using the characteristic
- Use uniform resource identifiers (URIs) for each of them
- Example:
http://www.example.org/ hasCreator John Smith
RDF - Resource Description Framework
RDF formats - RDF/XML
- Example (modified) from Enzyme Commission numerical classification scheme for enzymes
- from Uniprot - protein sequence and annotation data
1. <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
2. <rdf:RDF xmlns="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/"
3. xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
4. <rdf:Description
5. rdf:about="http://purl.uniprot.org/enzyme/">
6. <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Enzyme"/>
7. <name>Procollagen-proline dioxygenase</name>
8. <name>Procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase</name>
9. <name>Prolyl 4-hydroxylase</name>
10. <activity>L-proline-[procollagen] + 2-oxoglutarate + O(2) =
11. trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline-[procollagen] + succinate + CO(2).
12. </activity>
13. <cofactor>Iron</cofactor>
14. <cofactor>L-ascorbic acid</cofactor>
15. </rdf:Description>
16. </rdf:RDF>
RDF - Resource Description Framework
RDF formats - RDF/XML
- Line 1: XML declaration
- Line 2: opens RDF element and defines default namespace of doc
- Line 3: namespace for RDF referred - rdf is its shortcut
- Line 5: specifies the subject
- Line 6: type specification (is an enzyme)
- Line 7-9: synonyms using name
- Line 10-12: activity (equation for chemical reaction)
- Line 13-14: cofactors
- Line 15 and 16: closing Description and RDF element
RDF - Resource Description Framework
RDF formats - N3
- "Readable" RDF syntax
- Define namespaces as prefixes
- Define triples
- rdf:type expressed by "a"
- Use S P1 O1; P2 O2 for S P1 O1 and S P2 O2
@prefix : <http://purl.uniprot.org/core/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
: a :Enzyme ;
:name "Procollagen-proline dioxygenase",
"Procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase",
"Prolyl 4-hydroxylase" ;
:activity "L-proline-[procollagen] + 2-oxoglutarate+ O(2) =
trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline-[procollagen] + succinate + CO(2)" ;
:cofactor "Iron", "L-ascorbic acid" .
RDF - Resource Description Framework
RDF formats - Graphs
- RDF triples can be represented as a graph
RDF - Resource Description Framework
RDF characteristics
- Basis of RDFS, OWL and Semantic Web
- Data stored in RDF/triple stores
- SPARQL as query language
- Capable of merging data different triple stores
OWL Language and Semantic Web
RDF Schema
RDF Schema
Schema language
- Schema - formal definition of the syntax of a language
- Schema language - language for expressing that definition
- XML Schema - schema language for XML written in XML
- Overall a framework for interpreting the meaning of data
RDF Schema
RDF Schema (RDFS)
- Interpret the meaning of data written in RDF
- Extension of RDF vocabulary
- Vocabulary identified with "rdfs"
- Adds additional specifications and keywords
- Allows for simple inferences
RDF Schema
@prefix x: <http://www.my-example.org> .
x:Mouse rdf:type rdfs:Class .
x:Rodent rdf:type rdfs:Class .
x:Tom rdf:type x:Mouse .
x:Mouse rdfs:subClassOf x:Rodent .
- Allows the application of inferences rules
- Example: from
X rdfs:subClassOf Y .
b rdf:type X .
b rdf:type Y .
- We can infer that Tom is an instance of the class rodent.
- Note the difference between Tom is a rodent and mouse is a rodent.
RDF Schema
Some RDFS keywords
RDFS keyword | Explanation |
$\scriptsize\sf rdfs:Resource$ | All things in RDFS are instances of this class. |
$\scriptsize\sf rdfs:Class$ | Class of resources that are (RDF) classes. |
$\scriptsize\sf rdfs:subClassOf$ | subject is subclass of object. |
$\scriptsize\sf rdfs:subPropertyOf$ | subject is subproperty of object. |
$\scriptsize\sf rdfs:domain$ | domain of a subject property. |
$\scriptsize\sf rdfs:range$ | range of a subject property. |
$\scriptsize\sf rdfs:label$ | property proving a humanreadable name for subject. |
RDF Schema
Other inference rules
- Transitivity of subClassOf
- E.g., (assuming defined classes Mouse, Rodent, and Mammal)
x:Mouse rdfs:subClassOf x:Rodent .
x:Rodent rdfs:subClassOf x:Mammal .
- Transitivity of subPropertyOf
- Property domains and ranges
RDF Schema
Inference with domain and ranges
- Does not work like a database constraint
- Does not yield an error if the objects are not known to be aligned with the given classes
- Rather adds the corresponding inference(s)
OWL Language and Semantic Web
OWL Language
OWL Language
- Web Ontology Language (OWL - not WOL)
- An extension of RDF Schema? - Yes and No
- Adds expressive means for more inferences
- Direct RDF Extension
- Allows to view URIs simultaneously as classes and objects
OWL Language
- Forms of defining classes
- Indicated by a URI
- Enumeration of individuals (oneOf - nominals in DLs)
- Property restriction
- Intersection of classes
- Union of classes
- Complement of a class
OWL Language
RDF-like Syntax
- Example (simplified from NCI Thesaurus)
1. <owl:Class rdf:about="#A-Microtubule">
2. <rdfs:label>A-Microtubule</rdfs:label>
3. <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Cilium Microtubule"/>
4. <rdfs:subClassOf>
5. <owl:Restriction>
6. <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#is Physical Part of"/>
7. <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Cytoskeleton"/>
8. </owl:Restriction>
9. </rdfs:subClassOf>
10. <rdfs:subClassOf>
11. <owl:Restriction>
12. <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#is Physical Part of"/>
13. <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Cilium"/>
14. </owl:Restriction>
15. </rdfs:subClassOf>
16. </owl:Class>
OWL Language
Class Definition
- Line 1: subject
- Line 2: label
- Line 3: subClass specification
- Line 4-9: subClass specification
- someValuesFrom - existential Restriction
- qualified with #Cytoskeleton
- Line 10-15: subClass specification
- someValuesFrom - existential Restriction
- qualified with #Cilium
- Line 16: closing the description
OWL Language
Property restrictions for all values
- Corresponds to universal quantification
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="P" />
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#V"/>
OWL Language
Other Constructors
- Cardinality constraints
- min: $\sf owl:minCardinality$
- max: $\sf owl:maxCardinality$
- Property characteristics
- Transitivity $\sf owl:TransitiveProperty$
- Symmetry $\sf owl:SymmetricProperty$
- Inverses $\sf owl:InverseOf$
- Functionality $\sf owl:FunctionalProperty$
- Disjoint classes - $\sf owl:disjointWith$
- distinct individuals - $\sf owl:differentFrom$
- corresponding individuals - $\sf owl:sameAs$
OWL Language and Semantic Web
- RDF Schema
- OWL Language
- OWL Profiles
Further reading:
- Robinson and Bauer, Introduction to Bio-Ontologies, Chapter 2
- Antoniou et al., A Semantic Web Primer, Chapters 2 and 4